Leading Technology

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Hotel Booking Platform

Intuitive design allows your delegates to compare hotel options easily and make the perfect selection for their conference accommodation.

Single or group bookings can be completed in seconds and, if plans change, delegates can access their booking to make any necessary adjustments.

Group Bookings

Accommodation Link takes the headache out of group bookings with custom room allotment per day to accommodate an entire team’s needs.

Whether a small team of 5 or a whole company of 100 or more, Accommodation Link makes group bookings a breeze.

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Early Bird Custom Cards

Exclusive accommodation rates, special offers and negotiated conditions are delivered to your delegates in the form of Early Bird custom cards.

Custom cards can be used to promote exclusive early bird rates, special tours and activities or additional event information.

The design team at Accommodation Link ensures that these offers are displayed in accordance with your brand guidelines.

Reports & Analytics

Advanced reporting tools appear front and center in a way that's easy to understand and analyze. With access to our reporting dashboard, the Accommodation Link team can provide insights and booking information like never before.

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Rate Comparison

To ensure your delegates receive the best rate available, Accommodation Link systematically compares rates with third party accommodation providers.

The savings generated are forwarded onto your delegates in the form of reduced rates.